Northwood Daycare Information 2024-2025
Northwood Daycare Information 2024-2025 (PDF)
Northwood Daycares (text of the PDF)
Daycare Provider Address Phone Number
Shelby Akemann 106 14th St. N. 390-2768
Kellie Bachtle 1208 4th St. S. 641-220-0007
Robin Bauers 1302 1st. Ave. N. 324 - 2925
Carolyn Goeders 107 13th St. N. 324 - 1536
Julie Hannemann 700 12th St. N. 324 - 1706
Jeanette Hanson 304 5th St. N. 390 - 0287
Serena Lee 1005 1st Ave S. 507-383-3429
Wanda Love 908 10th St. S. 324 - 1675
Lisa Olson 102 10th St. S. 319-823-0832
Barb Reindl 308 9th St N. 324-1848
Tiarra Tenold/Walk 403 8th St. N. 390 - 1639
Ashley Thompson- Center 1809 Central Ave 323 - 7363
Alli Dingman 709 7th St. N. 817-602-1096
Marlee Rasmusson 1102 1st Ave. S. 641-390-0482
Emily Nagel 102 15th St. N. 390-0608
Mindy Lund 1307 2nd Ave. N. 641-220-3994
School Fax # 641-324-1353
Northwood W.C. Transit
City Hall 324-1075
Student Bus 390-1695
Bus #2 390-1460
Peter Drives - M-F
No transit if drivers are sick
One call will be given by school